The Cost of Inaction

Have you ever gotten your car stuck in the mud? Your first instinct is to put your foot on the gas and get the heck out. If you are lucky, this might work but more often than not, it only makes the situation worse. The tires spin and spin but the car doesn’t move, and you end up digging a rut that gets deeper and deeper.

When stuck in a figurative rut, you just keep spinning your wheels, unable to make the changes necessary to get things moving in a positive direction. Often, the problem is that we think we need to make radical changes to get out of the rut and this scares the bejeebers out of us.

The rut is no fun… Image by Jason Gillman from Pixabay
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Keep the Positive Changes

The last month and a half has been a little crazy. Do you agree? It is like we have moved to a new country where the language and the customs are very different from our own. If you watch “The Flash“, it is like we have vibed to Earth 10, where all the people we know from Earth 1 are here, they have the same name, but they aren’t the same person. They cover their face with masks, wash their hands incessantly and stand 6 feet apart from everyone. They do not touch others nor spend time with people. Even my blog posts are different, with titles like “A Report From The Field” and “My World Got Crazy” and These Are Not Normal Times”. These don’t sound like the pursuit of health, wealth and happiness.

Lots of new rules to learn! Image by cwhrtmnn from Pixabay
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5 Minutes is Easy!

A few months ago, I wrote about the idea that developing good habits will lead to success. I talked about purchasing an APP called “Productive” that I wanted to use to help me develop better habits. I decided to follow-up on that post to help me stay on track toward reaching some of my 2019 goals!

This year, I have a goal to post an average of 5 blog posts per month. The reason this is important to me is that I find that writing on this blog is one of the tools I use to keep sane! Writing is a form of therapy for me and reaching this goal will help me nurture my mental health.

Can you believe this keeps me sane? Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

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What are You 1 Step Away From?

We were all born into a certain set of circumstances. Some of us were born privileged, never wanting for anything. Some of us were born into poverty, never knowing where our next meal was coming from. Some of us were born with a disability that the world around us has trouble seeing past. Some of us were born with health issues that impacts us every day of our lives.

We can’t change any of that. That is your place at the starting gate, that you were given at birth, and it is non-negotiable.

Don’t worry, life isn’t a race

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