Are You Science Phobic?

I graduated from SUNY Binghamton back in 1988 with an Undergraduate degree in Sociology and a Concentration in Human Services. Somehow, I managed to complete 4 years of higher learning without ever taking a science course. Several years later, my interest in healthy eating was growing and I decided to take “Introduction to Nutrition” at UMASS Boston. No one told me a nutrition class was not about health but about the science behind our food. I was in science phobia mode for much of the semester and don’t really remember learning anything about living a healthy life.

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Whole30 Mission Complete (Part 3)

If you missed the first 2 parts of My Whole30 Experiment check them out here and here.

Day 17-30  Last 2 weeks of the Whole30.

My honey and I have had several conversations about what we will do when our 30 days are over. Overall, we both feel good eating this way and don’t feel the need to permanently reintroduce any of the food groups that we eliminated (soy, legumes, sugar, vegetable oils, dairy, and grains).

That being said, I am confident I will eat the occasional slice of pizza, brownie and grilled cheese sandwich.   I will need to reintroduce these favorite foods in a manner that will allow me to tell if they have a noticeable impact on my energy, my digestion or my sleep. Number 9 says when he reintroduced corn he realized it caused itchiness and some increased irritability.

Still looks yummy!

Continue reading “Whole30 Mission Complete (Part 3)”