Keep the Positive Changes

The last month and a half has been a little crazy. Do you agree? It is like we have moved to a new country where the language and the customs are very different from our own. If you watch “The Flash“, it is like we have vibed to Earth 10, where all the people we know from Earth 1 are here, they have the same name, but they aren’t the same person. They cover their face with masks, wash their hands incessantly and stand 6 feet apart from everyone. They do not touch others nor spend time with people. Even my blog posts are different, with titles like “A Report From The Field” and “My World Got Crazy” and These Are Not Normal Times”. These don’t sound like the pursuit of health, wealth and happiness.

Lots of new rules to learn! Image by cwhrtmnn from Pixabay
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Stop Talking and Start…

I hear myself talking about downsizing but I never seem to accomplish this task. I say how important it is to me but I can’t seem to make any significant headway. Don’t get me wrong, I am in a better place than I was in the past but I still have too much stuff. I go into the basement and riffle through some boxes but get distracted by my stuff and by all of the boxes that don’t belong to me. I find something small I can throw out or put in a donation box, I putter for a few minutes and then give up; retreating to the living room couch to play on my computer.

My couch is comfy! Image by Mylene2401 from Pixabay
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These Are Not Normal Times

What does happiness mean to you?

I know these are trying times and I know we are stressed. I hope living in the manner we are being forced to live right now, never becomes normal for any of us. I long to be able to have friends over for dinner, to hug my family, to feel safe at work and in the community. I want to ditch the hand sanitizer, the Lysol wipes and the gloves that have taken up residence on the front seat of my car. I want to walk with my honey and my dog without having to cross the street every time we see another person. I want to be able to say YES to the kids who simply want to pet my dog.

Why is it so hard to simply enjoy the here and now? Right now, I am sitting on my couch typing this post. I can hear the sing song of my favorite bird, the cardinal. One calls, the other responds in an ongoing fashion. My dog is sleeping and I can hear her rhythmic breathing. These are all things that relax me, however at the same time, I am anxious about what is happening in the world today, I am scared for my family and friends, I am petrified for health care workers in New York City, across the country and across the globe. I am trying to not let this fear take hold in my heart.

Not normal at all! Image by Gloria Williams from Pixabay
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My World Got Crazy

This is a guest post from my cousin Stephanie who was recently hospitalized on Long Island. The only changes I made were to add the pictures. It is re-printed with the authors permission.

Recently, I started to not feel well, had a low grade fever. I spoke with my Dr. and because I am immunocompromised, I was given an appointment to be tested for COVID19. I was told to go home and self isolate in my bedroom. I had a horrible night, fever, chills, body aches , severe stomach pain. About 5 am I sent Gerry a picture of the thermometer reading 102.

Too hot! Image by Арсений Попов from Pixabay
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A Report From the Field

This is a guest post from my friend, Linda Savarese Wrinn, who works in a skilled nursing facility in Massachusetts. One day recently she left work, pulled over to the side of the road, cried, and ferociously wrote and wrote before heading home to be with her family. The only changes I made were to add the pictures.

A report from the field

I’m not on the front line. I’m in that place where we can hear the gunfire in the distance. And that distance gets shorter every day. Every hour.

Getting closer to the front line….. Image by skeeze from Pixabay
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