How Times Change

Isn’t it funny that when we make a purchase there is often a surge of excitement that courses through us? It is like happiness is created by spending money to get clothes, electronics, toys and stuff. But that happiness is short-lived and we quickly move on to the next thing that catches our attention, hoping to generate happiness again. This is like a wheel that keeps turning. Stuff will not bring long-term happiness. The thrill wears off quickly and the need for something new and shiny takes its place. The last purchase is stuck in a closet, moved to the basement or stored in the garage to make room for the next shiny object.

I jumped off of this wheel a long time ago and that helped my finances considerably. I stopped spending money on stuff that I didn’t love and need. It also helped me emotionally by guiding me to find other outlets for my anxiety and my boredom. Now when I engage in retail therapy it is at the Thrify Shopper or Salvation Army. I prefer a walk in the woods or spending time with my loved ones.

He looks pretty bored… Image by naniwa23 from Pixabay
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Stop Talking and Start…

I hear myself talking about downsizing but I never seem to accomplish this task. I say how important it is to me but I can’t seem to make any significant headway. Don’t get me wrong, I am in a better place than I was in the past but I still have too much stuff. I go into the basement and riffle through some boxes but get distracted by my stuff and by all of the boxes that don’t belong to me. I find something small I can throw out or put in a donation box, I putter for a few minutes and then give up; retreating to the living room couch to play on my computer.

My couch is comfy! Image by Mylene2401 from Pixabay
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Could You Live in a Van?

Have you ever thought about living in a van? I don’t mean being homeless but purposefully living in a van that has been converted into living space. This is kind of like my Tiny House idea but with a twist!  With a conversion van, I could travel without ever leaving my home. No need to pack, to get someone to check in on the house, to worry about forgetting something important. Everything I own would come with me wherever I went. Just gas up the van and get on the road. A friend of mine owns one and she recently gave us a tour. It had everything one needs for living a simple life and you can take it with you wherever you go.

I would love to wake up to that view!

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