Let Me Sleep On It!

I don’t need much in life in order be happy and satisfied. Give me a yummy meal, a glass of wine,and good company. Follow this up by a good nights sleep and I’m in heaven. How about you?

At the cottage, I sleep in what we call the “Bunk House” or “Little House”. When we were kids it had a Raggedy Ann and Andy motif and has always been a preferred place to sleep. I now call this my condo and think the new nickname is starting to catch on! All that is in this little space is 2 sets of bunk beds, a dresser and a small metal desk. It has some shelves that hold some darts, a few magazines and my “I Love My Dog” sign. My condo is great for getting a good nights sleep.

My condo in the fall

I love my condo and sleep with all of the windows and the door wide open. I get plenty of fresh air and can see the moon and stars from bed. When the temperature is cool, I snuggle down under a comforter. Fenway sleeps on her bed on the floor next to me and I can hear her breathing throughout the night. The only thing I don’t love about my condo is that my honey is not sleeping next to me on my little twin bed.

I have been hearing and reading a bit about the importance of sleep lately and was reminded about the health puzzle that I wrote about a while back. The puzzle identified sleep as one of the major factors impacting our health. Sleep is something I have historically struggled with and although it has improved greatly, I still have rough nights. Today I woke up around 3:45AM and I have been up playing on my computer since 4:30AM!

I am a lousy napper and have never been accused of being a night owl. I tend to go to bed before 9:30PM and get up between 5:00 and 6:00AM. You can often find me in my pajamas before dinner. I know the importance of a good nights sleep!

We all know that consistently getting adequate sleep is important and that without it we tend to be tired, cranky and frankly not much fun to be around. But did you know that proper sleep gives our body the opportunity to perform maintenance and repair tasks that are critical for good health? Did you ever wake up in the morning having solved a dilemma you had been struggling with? Yup, sleep can help do that too!

Image by Ron Mijailovic from Pixabay

Inadequate rest impairs our ability to think, to handle stress, to maintain a healthy immune system and to moderate our emotions. It’s associated with heart disease, hypertension, weight gain, diabetes and a wide range of psychiatric disorders including depression and anxiety.

Chris Kresser

When you think about sleep like this, it is a bit easier to understand why poor sleep impacts our health. When trying to optimize health, people tend to focus on diet and exercise and forget to address the other pieces of the health puzzle that could have a big impact. You could eat a wonderful diet and get great exercise but if you don’t get good sleep your health will suffer.

With that in mind, I think I will climb back under the covers and get a bit of rest!

Lake Girl

Image by Vane Monte from Pixabay

Why Get Out of Bed at 91?

In an earlier post, I talked about the Health Puzzle and what each of its pieces looks like. That post stressed that in order to live a truly healthy life, it is critical that we address each area! One important pieces of this puzzle is “Engaging in Meaningful Activities”. I can’t imagine what life would look and feel like if the only activity I enjoyed was watching the boob tube. Don’t get me wrong, I have my favorite shows but there is nothing that I watch that I would seriously miss if my television mysteriously blew up!

The activities that are meaningful for me are unique to me and the activities that are meaningful to you are unique to you. What I find meaningful, you may find frivolous or unimaginative. What is meaningful for you, I might not value or see as silly. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, it matters what you think. What activities bring you joy? What activities make you feel alive. What tasks do you find fully engaging?

Eating and Sleeping is not enough!                     Image by suju from Pixabay

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My Mini-Retirements Keep Me On Top!

Have you ever had the opportunity to take an extended period of time away from work? Away from your life? Away from Debbie Downer and Ned the Nosy Neighbor? Away from your cluttered home and messy yard? Away from your daily responsibilities? If you have never had such an opportunity, I highly recommend you do some thinking, introspection, detective work etc to figure out how you could make it happen. It can change your life!

Extended time away from life is refreshing, invigorating and good for the soul! If done well, it can provide greater insight into difficulties you are facing leading to better thought processes and better decisions. Time away can recharge your batteries giving you more energy for activities that have become a struggle. I know when I get into stressed out mode, I don’t have the mental or physical energy to do more than the basics of self-care and work much. When in that mode, there is little oomph for tending to all of the pieces of the health puzzle!

This is how I want to spend my retirement! Image by MonikaDesigns from Pixabay

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Improve Key Relationships

In a recent post, I talked about health as a puzzle with 8 pieces. Today’s post is all about “Positive Relationships” as one piece of the overall puzzle. Through my work as an Occupational Therapist, I have seen how having positive relationships in one’s life can improve health outcomes for my patients. When in a Rehab setting, patients are surrounded by people but it can still be an isolating experience. Those who receive phone calls and visits by loved ones have a big advantage over patients who have no support. Having someone to run errands, bring home-cooked meals, listen to concerns is incredibly important. Positive relationships are a two-way street and they don’t get built over night!

Positive Relationships are a two way street…
Image by 12019 on Pixabay

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Solving the Health Puzzle

When I was younger, I looked at health as the composite of two things. Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise. If you did these two things, you would be healthy. Mother Fran and Papa Jack took care of the healthy diet for everyone in my household so all I had to do was get plenty of exercise. Wait, they helped ensure that as well. My parents were always kicking us out of the house to go and play, go weed the garden, go shovel the dirt around the pond. Plus my siblings and I loved to shoot hoops, ride bikes, climb trees and play catch. Getting exercise as a kid growing up in the 1970’s and 1980’s was easy.

Now that I have Embraced the Gray, I know that living a healthy lifestyle is about so much more than food and movement. These two things are absolutely critical but they are only two pieces of a larger puzzle. I have done a ton of reading on this topic and listened to many podcasts and audiobooks that it is time I summarize for myself (and for anyone else interested) what a more complete health puzzle looks like. This is important to me because energizing others to choose health is part of how I live my life strategically!  

An incomplete health puzzle…

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