I’m Not Sorry For This Rant

Until March 2020, I worked as an occupational therapist at a small local nursing home. I opted to not work when the pandemic hit to ensure my safety and the safety of Mother Fran. This nursing home is now inundated with COVID-19. Both residents and staff are infected and it continues to spread. Three Four residents have died and I can only imagine the difficulty ensuring adequate staffing for those that are sick and those that are not sick. This virus has invaded my personal bubble, it is hitting closer and closer to home… hence todays rant. My thoughts are with my friends at the nursing home who are sick and those that are trying desperately to keep themselves and our residents safe.

This Covid outbreak is responsible for todays rant. Sorry in advance.

I feel bad about this! Image by Tommy Takacs from Pixabay
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Travel Update!

I safely arrived at Mother Fran’s yesterday morning at 10:30AM! The ride was uneventful and I exercised extreme caution on my three day drive. My initial plan as I shared in my last post, In The Cautious Category, I had planned to stop at my sisters for a quick COVID style visit. You know the type – where you wear a mask, keep 6 feet apart and stay outdoors as much as possible. A couple of days prior to hopping in the car, I had doubts and ended up cancelling this part of the trip. My final destinations was my Mom’s house and I was determined to not take any chances that could risk bringing the virus to her.

Image by badafest from Pixabay
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